Hello everyone!
Back from vacations and we are already ready for work. Maybe a little
late but never too late! Everything is finally set and the waiting was
definitely worth it, since the subjects this issue covers are all very
interesting. So, I am very pleased to announce the new issue (188) of
openSUSE Weekly News in Greek.
In this issue you will read about:
* Strategy DONE!
* Danny Kukawka: How to undelete files from ext3/ext4
* Techlaze: Top 5 Plasma Widgets for the KDE Desktop
* Sebastian Kügler: Desktop Summit Thoughts
* Adobe Flashplayer 11 for 64bit linux
As well as many interesting news about openSUSE and useful advice,
which can make our lives easier.
Enough said though... Read more at: http://own.opensuse.gr,
http://el.opensuse.org/Weekly_news or www.os-el.gr
We are always looking forward to receiving your comments as well as
suggestions regarding things you would like to read about in our next
The openSUSE Weekly News is being translated in the Greek language
from issue #150. You can read older translated issues here:
Enjoy it!
Efstathios Agrapidis (efagra)