We arrived a bit late but luckily they haven't started yet! There were again many interesting presentations among about community, distribution and about technology. Presentations that stood out where “openSUSE Tumbleweed” Mr. KH, Greg, “Ambassador Program: Current status,potential changes and improvements” by Mr. KOUDARAS, Kostas (openSUSE), Mr. GUPTA, Manu (openSUSE), “Our experience in organizing a local community: The Greek example” by by Mr. KOUDARAS, Kostas (openSUSE) and “How to get more Women into openSUSE” by PINTSCHER, Lydia (KDE). Do not forget the LPI exams we had at the conference.
After the presentations were over there were a big “Rodeo Texas Party”! There were free hamburgers for everyone, poker tables and a bull in order to try to ride! Geekos gathered outside the building of the Conference, ate a lot, played poker and had fun riding the bull!
After that, there was live music at Zentrifuge with rock music! Geekos gathered there, danced, drunk beer and some OUZO Kostas brought there till late at night! :)
You can find photos from the openSUSE Conference at our facebook group, and at Kostas Koudaras Picasa. We upload photos all day long !
Last but not least, you can get informed of what is happening at openSUSE Conference via the Greek Community twitter account, the openSUSE Conference twitter account, Kostas Koudaras and George Bratsos.
From Nuremberg,
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