Τετάρτη 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010

openSUSE team at Xariseto.gr Free Festival

 On the 3rd of October openSUSE Greek ambassador Kostas Koudaras (warlordfff) will participate at Xariseto free Festival where he will inform people about openSUSE and give away openSUSE DVD's- Stickers and flyers, also there is a change for a last minute presentation of openSUSE but this will be mostly depend by the weather.

For more information about the Event:

and the poster of the Event:

Τρίτη 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010

Educational Lecture: "Kids and Internet"

openSUSE ambassadors team in association with GreekLUG, on 27th of September, participated to an educational lecture with the subject "Kids and Internet".

The audience was medical doctors of the Paediatric Department of Ippokration General Hospital (Thessaloniki, Greece), and the main speaker was a member of GreekLUG, Dr. Constantine Mousafiris, Paediatrician-Neonatologist, Director of the Neonatology Dpt. of the Interbalkan Medical Centre.

The lecture was focused on various aspects of kids safety in the Web and the deriving benefits from the use of Free Software in the digital era education.

Our community was represented by Greek Ambassador Efstathios Iosifidis (diamond_gr). Our role was only at the end to inform that everything that mentioned at the lecture could be found on the DVD. The main question of most doctors to our ambassador was how they can install parental control.

Δευτέρα 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010

openSUSE presence at the celebrations for the 100 years Scouting in Greece

Among 1-3 of October openSUSE will be a part of the celebration for the 100 years of Scouting in Greece as a guest of Greeklug.
We will again organize some games for the kids like origami and making Geekos out of empty bottles and plaster. We will also inform people about FOSS and openSUSE.

Our community will be represented by Greek Ambassadors Kostas Koudaras (warlordfff) and Efstathios Iosifidis (diamond_gr) for the first 2 days and in the last day only by Efstathios Iosifidis (diamond_gr) 

Δευτέρα 20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010

openSUSE team at the 75th International Trade Fair

openSUSE ambassadors team in association with GreekLUG and Scouts Organization in Thessaloniki, participated from 11th until 19th of September 2010, to 75th International Trade Fair in Thessaloniki. We were at the thematic section called Kids & Fun at the building no16.

The main idea there was to organize some games for the kids. Unfortunately we didn't have the equipment to install couple of games (like Super Tux). So we had a small corner and we were informing the kids and parents about FOSS and what are the positives of using it. We used our laptops to show a small demo.

Our community was represented by Greek Ambassador Kostas Koudaras (warlordfff) and Efstathios Iosifidis (diamond_gr).

Παρασκευή 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010

Software Freedom Day 2010 in Thessaloniki

On Friday 17th of September we represented the openSUSE community to a general speech organized by GreekLUG about FOSS at a elementary school at the center of Thessaloniki.
The speech was on Friday because on Saturday schools are closed.

The audience were teachers, parents and of course kids (ages from 9-12 years old). We had to do the same speech to 3 different classes. A representative from GreekLUG talked about what is FOSS and what are the benefits of using it.

Our community was represented by Greek Ambassador Kostas Koudaras (warlordfff). The speech was short and the subjects we mentioned were:

1. Distribution that is the leader of technology.
2. Large community around the world that develop the operating system but also help people to use openSUSE.
3. Developing Greek community.
4. There are many versions that everyone can use depending the needs.
5. There is educational software for the kids.

Τετάρτη 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010

How to create a Geeko usb creator part1

How to create a Geeko usb creator

Part 1

 There are many things I like in openSUSE as an Operating System, but beyond the OS I also really like the Geeko mascot. I also like making various things out of nothing and made by mostly garbage. So one day I was watching at some Geeko pics and after that I started goofing around the net where I saw an article about distributions on usb. That's when it came to me.
 I decide that I would try to make a Geeko usb creator. (others write poem's, others music, others paint, I made my first Geeko and the next will be even better)

So I took:
1) a 1.5 m usb expansion cable
2) 2 empty water bottles 
3) a knife
4) paper tape
5) 8 m of plaster gaza
6) lids ,wire, plastic straws
7) green paint, a small brush and a black marker for the eyes
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